“We dedicate ourselves to humanity’s quest for longer, healthier, happier lives through the innovative use of technology to maintain life connectivity”

Maintaining and Promoting Positive Mental Health Balance and Whole of Life Connectivity

Provides you with very early indications of when you need to take positive actions to maintain your mental health balance

Introducing Bow

BOW is here to maintain your mental health and wellbeing.

The state of our mental wellbeing fluctuates and when BOW detects significant changes then BOW supports by nudging you to take the positive actions required to maintain your mental wellbeing during those times when you need it most.


Bow creates your unique behavioural baseline by using the AI analysis of the data on your mobile phone created by your daily activities and routine


Bow then continuously monitors and analyses your phone data and compares this to your behavioural baseline looking for significant changes


Bow’s AI continually analyses and reviews deviations from your baseline behaviour and learning which deviations are meaningful and which ones are just the normal ups and downs of life


When Bow identifies times where your mental state may have deviated outside your normal and healthy range then Bow will provide positive nudges and prompts to move you back to your normal healthy baseline mental state


BOW will provide you with insightful information about the nudges and prompts it has provided to you, allowing you to have a greater understanding of how BOW is supporting your mental health.


Bow will also provide you with access to an Empower button option which will provide you with a wide range of online course and programs directly relevant to the deviations that Bow has detected

The Bow Team

BOW has been created by a team of organisational and clinical psychologists, data scientists and technology experts. The combined capabilities of the team have bought BOW to life to sustain your healthy mental wellbeing and to support you when most needed. Bow will work 24/7 to assist you to maintain your positive mental health balance baseline state.

What our users say

“Nothing seemed to be going right for me and I was starting to feel down. I just wanted to sit at home by myself. BOW prompted me to contact my best friend, who I hadn’t spoken to for a week, and catch up for a coffee and chat. BOW even gave me a coupon to my favorite café!
I thought it was a sweet suggestion and I did it, I am so glad I did and I feel a lot better now and glad I didn’t just keep disconnecting from the world ”

“Work was super busy and it was coming into promotions and bonus time and I was getting more stressed day by day. I was going to the gym less and hardly ever getting out for a run.
BOW found a new trail I hadn’t run before and suggested I do an early morning run on the weekend and even prompted a group chat with a few of my running buddies. I didn’t feel like I could but BOW showed me an article on the benefits to stress relief of outdoor exercise so I did the run. My mood was so good all weekend."

“I am quite a resilient person and think I have a positive outlook on life. I love the information that BOW makes available to me, it is always useful and practical. Somehow BOW finds a way of giving me what I need, even when I haven’t realized at that time that, that is what I do need.”

Cordouan Health Limited

A Digital Mental Health Company

Suite 3, Level 2, 66 Clarence Street, Sydney, 2000, Australia
71-75 Shelton St, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

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